Run for the Toad Race Report


October 1st was race day.  It was also pouring rain and unseasonably cold.  I drove us to Cambridge with zero visibility knowing I hadn’t packed warm enough clothes to run in, we didn’t have anything to say to one another that wasn’t going to sound like whining or complaining about the weather so we just listened to the radio.

Of course we arrived at Pinehurst Lake Conservation Area at the same time as the other 1500 runners, to be fair the parking marshals were awesome and got us squared away quickly and at some point during parking it stopped raining, things were looking up.

It was cold and windy by the lake but I hoped once we were in the forest the wind wouldn’t be so bad, we knew nothing about this course coming into it, except for a “big” hill near the end.  I wasn’t too concerned other than what the course was going to look like after all the rain.  The anthems and announcements took a long time (or what felt like a long time when you’re dressed for a race ie. t-shirt and shorts), but we were surprised to learn that this race was going to be the inaugural Canadian 50km Championship Race.  I was then super pumped to learn that Ellie Greenwood (one of my ultra running heroes) was racing, now I was getting excited.  The 50km race starts 15 minutes before the 25km so sadly I lost my heat source (Dan) as he started off with a few hundred runners.  The rest of us just crowded to together for warmth while waiting for our turn to start.  I was worried that I wasn’t going to be able to warm up, I had really under dressed (and to think only a few weeks earlier I was making fun of all the over dressed people at the B&o), finally the horn blew and we were off running…for about 300m then we bottle necked at a very short uphill that some people decided to walk up (how do these people always start in front of me!!)  As usual the first couple of kilometers were spent sorting ourselves out, the course was in great shape though, no muddy holes or giant puddles, and somehow in all the dodging and weaving I failed to notice the sun trying to shine through.

I finally settled into my race pace, aiming to run a sub 2:30 trail 25km but ultimately trying to maintain a pace of 5:41 min/km, the route is a 12.5km loop that I would have to run twice, which I kind of like because I on the second lap you know when to gun in it.  The course was great once we thinned out, there was more pavement than expected but the trails were all well-groomed and we ran through a few fields of grass (which were so springy and soft on the joints), it was undulating, lot’s a little ups and downs, nothing technical and all runnable (at least if you’re only doing the 25km).  The aid stations were wonderfully stocked and well supported.  As my watch beeped off the kilometers for me I knew I was getting close to the end of the first loop and I started to wonder where the “big” hill was, I mean there was some hills but people at the start line had really been going on and on… oh, there it is, I though as I came around a big bend.  The hill was maybe only 75 meters, it was more the incline that was daunting, straight up would be a good way of describing it, I treated like a stair climb.  This is a favorite spectator site and I can see why, it causes some people to come to a complete halt, I just put head down and hammered up it, passing a huge chunk of my competition and commending myself for all my hill training and stair climbing.

Finished the first loop in 1:12, not bad considering how slow my first few kilometers felt.  I knew exactly what I up against and now the sun was shinning and the wind had completely died down, I was suddenly properly dressed and laughing (I am such a brat) at the people around me whipping off layers and tossing them at strangers to hold until they finished.  As I made my way around the course I noticed that I was passing a few 50km racers and wondered if I’d lap Dan, or if I’d get lapped by the 50km leaders.  Around 4km into it I saw Dan, I really had to control myself to not go sprinting up to him, I stalked him sticking with my race pace and finally caught him.  He was doing well and had been wondering when I’d go by.  I blew him a kiss and carried on, half way through the loop the course sort of passes back on itself and you can see the people behind you, that’s where I first spotted Ellie.  My first thought was “she’s only on her second loop? oh no wait this would be her third”, second “she really is tiny”, third “boy she’s really moving”, fourth “new goal, do not let Ellie Greenwood lap you”.  So I pushed it.  I started passing people, some people didn’t care, like let’s say most the women but some men take it so personally when a girl passes them, especially near the end, especially when they’re struggling up a steep hill and a spectator points out “that girl didn’t seem to have such a hard time with the hill” I heard the man respond with “I’ll catch her now” but he didn’t because I was like “oh no you freaking wont with an attitude like that!”  So I went for broke and ran like hell and loved every step.

Final result, 2:23 a pace of 5:45 min/km and a cool medal.  I grabbed lots of goodies from the recovery area and made my way back to the car to get into some warm clothes and cheer on Dan.  On my walk back I saw a tiny fast-moving women coming toward me and realized this was Ellie on her final lap (she really hadn’t been far behind me) and I gave her a resounding “Go Ellie!” and then hustled to the car so I wouldn’t miss her finish.  While at the car I noticed some 50km runners go by and thought I would see Dan, but I didn’t must have missed him while I was in the bathroom.  On my wonder back to the finish area I stopped by Dan’s drop bag to throw some of the goodies I’d picked up in there in case he needed a ‘pick-me-up’ next time he passed by.  The bag looked as though it hadn’t been touched, hmm, now I was getting a little worried, so I quickly made my way back to the finish.  There was Dan standing cheering on finishers, he was ok, cold (thankfully I had thought to bring his warm stuff back from the car with me) but otherwise ok.  He had decided to drop out, he was hurting.  He had already turned in his chip, so I couldn’t even try to talk him out of it.

I never saw the little guy on my race.

We stood and cheered the first male and female finishers of the 50km, Taylor Murphy and Ellie Greenwood.  And then it was off to the fully catered lunch, which was delicious.

You'll have to take my word for it, but Ellie is behind those other people!

For any of you’re wondering “did you seed yourself properly?”  The answer (as usual) is no.  Nine people finished ahead of me (official time) but actually took longer than me to cover the distance (chip time).  This really only frustrates me and it’s not like it’s the difference between me placing or something.  I think it comes down that I really lack the confidence that these people have, I need to step up and give myself a little credit, or at least stop complaining about how bad I am at starting races.

B-Limey! Did he just run a 5km?


So it’s been awhile see we posted last mainly because Dan killed the hard drive on the computer.  We now have a new hard drive and the computer back but sadly it looks as though we will be losing everything off the original hard drive 😦 Consider this your friendly reminder to back up, back up, back up!  Moving on.

A couple of weekends ago my father-in-law joined us for the B&o 5km and he has provided us with his version of what went down that morning.

Editor’s note: My father-in-law is British, for your pleasure you should read this with your best plumy English accent to enjoy Gaz’s British witticism.


Dan suggested this idea some time ago and apart from anything else, I had visions of the rest of the pack disappearing into the distance and me losing my way and ending up somewhere near the airport.  I thought I was prepared for the run having trained at the gym regularly in an effort to bring my time down and what a surprise – NOT,this old crock of a body decided to sustain a tweak in the left achilles a week before the Run.  The Grand Plan was NOT TO DRINK before the Run,which I’m afraid went quickly out of the window on arrival in Canada,Will Power 0  Alcohol 1!  Still ,not to worry it may help deaden any pain in the leg!!!  Well the excuse worked for me!

Great trepidation was the order of the day, on the day,and if I’m honest from the moment the idea was first suggested.  You see I am not used to running in a crowd of people and had only done it once before in around 1985.  On the plus side I knew that my time for a 5K run was at least 15 mins quicker than it was all those years ago.

I was quite happy running on the treadmill and trying to compete with myself,not with everyone else. I get slightly competitive if the person on the next treadmill decides/appears to want to compete, so the idea of a crowd of competitive people around me filled me with a sense of dread in that I might get too competitive and run out of steam/completely finish off my left leg and break down/or worse!!

The walk to the start line was quite pleasant and the weather fine and sunny and although I could feel slight pain in my leg, I was walking ok and thought that if I just went easy I would complete the course as long as I didn’t get competitive or lose my way or be tempted by any early opening bar/burger joint!

At the start line there were indeed many people of varying ages etc,and then it happened!!!  My God, some of these people, NO,  ALL of these people look really serious.

They are stretching in all sorts of strange positions, doing warm up runs along the street, HELP!!  I AM going to get left behind, anyone got a map in case I get lost?

Anyway the time for the off looms and people are jogging on the spot, THINKS: “Not for me I need every bit of fuel to complete this thank you very much”.

And then, all of a sudden we’re off, except we’re not really because it seems to take quite a while to clear all the participants and a kind of stop/start & run/walk situation occurs, and then we’re around the first corner……and they’re off, lots of jostling for position, mainly past me as I am concentrating on not falling over anyone and bringing my run to a premature end.

After a short while I’ve warmed up and LO! there is space to move and I settle into a comfortable pace and am happy with my lot, true there are many in front and I don’t intend to look behind.  People are passing by and they are far younger than me so that’s fine, I am not going to get sucked into racing after them especially at this early stage.  Others begin to pass me by, they appear somewhat older than myself, hey, what the…hold on, that’s fine they look like they have been running all their lives, so just settle back down.  You know that leg is going to break on you and then it’s all over, keep your steady pace going and ignore everyone else, that’s the way to do it.

There you go, all settled now and even at this steady pace and without effort I’m beginning to pick off a few without intending to, so it’s all good!!

AND THEN it happened, I am overtaken with ease by a woman, albeit younger than me but with a back side that can only be described as being the size of small country and something you would quite happily rest a pint and a meal on with no danger of it falling off!  As well as this she seemed to have been consuming much food for a good many years, I think you know where we’re going with this so I will halt the character assassination.

So that’s when competitiveness reared its head and the pace quickened and she was dispatched to oblivion along with a few others until at about 3K the leg said “ENOUGH CRAZY FOOL”, closely followed by the rest of the body (Probably something to do with the alcohol, the heat, and the however slight gradients of the road) and so the pace settled into a more strained version of its original type and the only thought was will I finish?

It wouldn’t have been so bad had I walked the course before and had an idea where I was and how much further to go (Note to self,next time do some research!) apparently there was a 4K marker but I never saw it and I should have known I had passed it as my usual WALL arrived.

Hey everyone we’re running on empty, NO WE really are running  on  empty.

Just when the body had said enough and the brain was saying “You know what, the body’s right let’s pull over for a swift half and we can catch up with this later” I turned a corner and wow it’s the home straight. Reserve tanks applied and sprint for the finish, OK, my version of a sprint but still faster than I had been going.

My name was called out as I crossed the line and a medal was thrust at me, all I needed now was a sit down and to breathe and then maybe take on some fluid, no make that a lot of fluid.

The time was given as 28 minutes and nine seconds, a bit off my best time of 25′ 17″ but given everything else I was well pleased with it and hope to do better next time……What Am I saying???  There’s a next time?  The bug has obviously bitten and I don’t mean the Canadian Air force!!

The medal that was "thrust" at us.

What a fine looking bunch of runners.

Gaz finishing his debut international race